Friday, January 14, 2011

history of computers. .


Dr. John V. Atanasoff - electronic digital computer (improving he’s ideas since 1937 – 1942). Helped by Clifford Berry them called - Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC).


After the discussion between Dr. John W. Mauchly with Dr. Atanasoff , reading of the manual book of ABC and watch how the ABC works, Dr. John W. Mauchly and Mr. J. Presper Eckert got an idea to built a trajectory for the American Army. The result is, a completely big scale computer has been showed in 1946 and it is called ENIAC. Because of the machine are builted faster than before, ENIAC has become a biger penetration in computer. It is 30 ton, the width is around 1500 feet quadrate, and has more than 18.000 vacuum tube. A Legend told that the ENIAC is bulited in University of Pennsylvania that’s the light supply is reduced to Philadelphia when it’s been activated. A good result for ENIAC become the first generation of the computer.

Computer generation

1st Generation of Computers (1946 – 1959)

UNIVAC I. The first Computer generation has a special characteristics that has become a wick to the ENIAC– wasting air storage, until 1950, a few computers are using that storage, every computers gives an improvement to improving the computer uses. The improvement are in binary aritmetic, random access, and the concept of storage programs.
1951- The U.S. Bureau of Cencus installing the first comercial computer that given name Universal Automatic Computer – UNIVAC I. UNIVAC I has been improvide by Mauchly and Eckert for Remington-Rand Corporation.
IBM into the computers marketing
The first Electromechanical computer is the product that is sponsored by IBM. The results, Mark I, settled in 1944 by a professor in University of Harvard, Howard Aiken. In that time, IBM covered the punched-card procceser device. IBM not really comfortable with the UNIVAC I can be change with punched-card machine, because of this IBM does not come into the marketing . suddenly IBM take a step going to the marketing.
The first product of IBM sold in the marketing is IBM 701 in 1953. What a shock is, IBM 650 has been introduced in the next year with the IBM reason is to celebrate the big income from the last year. To make the bussiness more sell well, IBM 650 built so that the punched-card machines can be upgrade. That’s why IBM 650 proccessing it’s data is almost same like punched-card machine before.

2nd generation of computers (1959 – 1964)

In 1948, transistor are influenced the performances of the computers. Transistor can replace the vacuum storage in television, radio, and computer. Consequence, the measurement of this electronics machines is less drastic. Transistor is starts to be used in computers at 1956. Other founders that improving the core-magnet memory helps to improves the 2nd generation of computers to be more small sizes, more smooth, easy to rely on, and more saves energy compared before. First machine that gives benefits to the new technology is supercomputer. IBM built a supercomputer and named it Stretch, and Sprery-Rand make a computer called LARC. This computer, that’s improved to become energy atomic laboratory, it can prevent lots of data. The machine is so expensive and disposed too complex for business computation, until limits its popularity. Only 2 LARC that’s been set and use it is: one in Lawrence Radiation Labs at Livermore, California, and the other in US Navy Research and Development Center at Washington D.C. This 2nd generation of computers replaced the machine languages to assembly languages. Assembly language is the languages that use short-form to replaced binary code. Early of 1960, the 2nd generation of computers is start to success in business, university, and politics. This 2nd generation computer is almost all handled by transistor. It also has components that can be association with the computer we used nowadays, for example: printer, storage at floppy disc, memory, operating system, and programs.

3rd generation of computers (1964 – early 80’s)

Even thought transistor excellent in vacuum, but transistors are produce higher of heats, which can waste the internal component in the computer. A quartz rock can prevent this situation. Jack Kilby, as an engineer in Texas Instrument, improving the integrated circuit in 1958. IC combining three electronics components in a small silicon plate made by quartz sand. The different of the 3rd generation of computers from before is it’s using an operating system which making the computer to running many programs in one time.

4rd generation of computers (80’s-???)

After IC, the aim to make it more clear is: make a small sizes of the electronics circuit and the components. Scale Integration (LSI) can compact a hundred of components into one chip only. In 1980, Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) makes a thousand of components into a singular chip.
Ultra-Large Scale Integration (ULSI) has improving all the totals become a millions. The ability to combine all the components in just a haft plate of coin has made change the cost and size of the computers. This is making effect to the effort of the workers, the efficiency and the trade on the computers. Chip Intel 4004 making in 1971 has bring the IC to become more advanced which is make all the computer components (central processing unit, memory, and input/output reins) into a small chip. Before that, IC build-up to going on a specific task. But now, a microprocessor can be program to answer all the necessity. In the 1980, video games like Atari 2600 gives an attraction to the consumers in the home desktop that’s easy to programming. In the 1981, IBM introduces Personal Computer (PC) to uses in school, office and at home. The total uses of PC are increasing from 2 million units in 1981 to 5.5 million units in 1982. 10 years later, it reach 65 million PC used. The evolution of computers is continuous from desktop computer to laptop and then palmtop. IBM PC competes with Apple Macintosh in the world of marketing. Apple Macintosh famous in graphic system in its computer. Macintosh also popular in using a mouse device. Nowadays, we know that the IBM compatible is using a CPU: IBM PC/486, Pentium, Pentium II, Pentium III, Pentium IV (Serial from CPU made by Intel). We also know that AMD k6, Athlon, and many more. This is all included in the fourth generation of computers.

5th generation of computers (future...)

Many improvements in designing a computer and the technologies ideas are always increasing to making the 5th generation of the computers. 2 improvements that engineers take in parallel process, that is to changing the non Neumann model. Non Neumann model will be changing to the system that can be coordinate many CPU to works together. The other improvements in these superconductors’ technologies that can make the current to flow without any obstacle; this is why uses can get fastest information. The Institute for new Computer Technology is on their project to achieve the 5th generation of computers.

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